Friday, 23 May 2014

MUST READ! Tasting The Honey Before Getting To The Moon

In a world where test-driving cars before buying is a culture,abstinence from se'x seems to be an unfashionable, outworn and an archaic idea.
The present young generation of ours is following the lifestyles of their western counterparts,hence,the competitive behaviour among youth to prove themselves as more modern,impressive and so-called high cultured people.
With a chunk of people becoming celebrities, financially buoyant and famous through se'x tapes, the sublime hype the media gives the act and the supposed fufilment that comes with having premarital se'x, makes one to wonder whether chastity is truely a virtue.

Although the Nigerian culture and religion frowns at this global trend,the medical world have a different opinion about it. Medics believe that early se'x life helps with a wonderful sense of well-being and lots more.
A group of Nigerian youth were asked if premarital se'x was wrong or right and if they would like to be in a relationship where se'x is a "strict NO". Over 76% of the group opined that eating the honey before getting to the moon is wrong while 24% believes that premarital se'x is a great way of getting to know your partner's se'xual strenghts and weaknesses. And surprisingly, only 5% of the group thinks a relationship without se'x will work while 95% were of the opinion that at the end of the day, a relationship without se'x would not work!
I got mixed feelings from the result from this survey;...Does it mean the 76% with the opinion that se'x before marriage just know it for knowing sake? From the 95% opinion, it is obvious that even the 75%, that thinks premarital se'x is outrightly bad still engage in it.
The differences observed between se'xually and abstinent youth were that the latter were more confident, had greater determination and most importantly,deployed refusal skills to delay first se'x till the right time.
With these above arguments, what should we truely uphold? What is your opinion about se'x before the lifetime commitment? Would you date a man/woman who is very strict about "a-no se'x-before-marriage" idea?
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